Hello all,

I have an image gallery script I created and I seem to be having some
difficulties with it.  I am using this script on many different platforms
and different PHP versions.  I have tried it on 4.4.0 (linux) and
4.3.11(entrophy osx).  The problem is with PHP version
4.4.1 from what I can tell.  That is what I am emailing for, to verify. =)

The problem is this function:
    function array_set_current(&$array, $key) {


        while(current($array)) {

            if (key($array) == $key) {
            } // if

        } // while

    } // function

On 4.4.0 and 4.3.11 I can pass an array and key and it will match the key
and break perfectly.  Recently one of our servers upgraded to 4.4.1.  This
script was working previously and now does not.  I ended up echoing out the
value of key().  On 4.4.1 the key is always 0. Next() does not goto the next
key.  On 4.4.0 and 4.3.11 the next() works fine.

We ended up just scrapping that and using a foreach key => value loop to set
the current key and breaking after that.

Has anybody else experienced this?  Am I doing something wrong that I am not
seeing?  I'm just curious.

Thanks in advance for any replies!

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