*sigh* I'm thinking so too ;(


However, I have at least a usable hack around.

In the constructor of your class, add:

function Class ($object_name)
global $pge;

$pge = $object_name;

Then when you use create a new object of that type you must use:

$objectname = new Class('objectname');

Then in your code you just use ${$pge}-> to refer to it.

Sucks, doesn't it?

Should be working on something...
...but forgot what it was.

""Boget, Chris"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > So is there ANY way to get the name of the object in PHP code without
> > knowing the name of the object ahead of time?
> I went through this exact thing not too long ago with an error class
> I wrote.  Unfortunately, there is no way to know.  What you can do,
> however, is do a check to see if that object exists before you access
> the variable.  Other than that, I think you're outta luck. :/
> Chris

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