It seems the upgrade was from Mysql 4.0. PASSWORD() function changed between 4.0 and 4.1, it uses longer hashes now. You can still use OLD_PASSWORD() function instead.

William Stokes wrote:

My ISP updated their MySQL DB to 5.0.18 and that killed my login procedure which was OK yesterday. Any ideas how to start to debug this?

The login updates 2 fields in users table row where username and password macthes. This is the code:

if (!$query = mysql_query("update tbl_users set sess_id='$sess_id', sess_id_start='$date' where md5(usr_name)='$usr_name' and password=PASSWORD('$password') ",$connection))
Do Login and stuff...

This worked until today. I called the ISP and they confirmed that there was a database update yesterday.


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