Shafiq Rehman wrote:

> Hi,
> How can I register a session or cookie for two domains. I want to maintain
> logged user's state when he goes from one domain to other domain.
> Example
> Suppose a user is logged in on A cookie is set and user is
> authenticated from database on the basis of that cookie. When he goes from
> to, I want he remains loggedin on I
> do not want any query string. Is it possible by playing with cookie or
> session settings?
> Please advise if anybody has faced such problem.

I don't know exactly what you are looking for, but if you have control over
the URLs of both domain 1 and 2, you can use the session ID as a URL
parameter and do something like this:

$sid = $_GET['phpsessionid'];

 # check cookie and continue as normal
 # use $sid as your session ID  

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