
note: I believe the dollar sign will also be translated, could be wrong.


At 03:14 AM 1/10/2006, Angelo Zanetti wrote:
Hi guys,

Im having problems with the Euro and Pound currency signs and storing them etc...

here is my scenario. I have a menu/list of currencies available for selection, HTML below for the signs:


When listed in the browser they show fine.
When I want to save them, they are saved as the actual sign in the DB and not the HTML code for the symbol, which isnt a train smash, however, when I try compare the values in the DB with the predefined list of currency symbols, I get some problems.

The below if statement doesnt seem to resolve:

if ($row['p_currency'] == "€") //where € is also the value in the DB

even if the value is €, or € it still never reverts to true...

So is there a special way I should be treating the symbols and maybe a special way I should be storing them? or comparing them?

thanks in advance



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