"Nashirak Bosk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok.  I have looked at all my options for creating account dynamically
> from a webpage, and have not come up with much.  I want to create an
> user account that only creates a mail account.  I think I can do this
> with the useradd command (I am running Linux).   Like this:
>    useradd accountname -s /bin/false   then I could su into the
> accountname and run the passwd command.
> Now I could do this, with PHP using the popen() function.  There is only
> 1 problem.  I would have to run all this as root since only root is able
> to run this command.   And even if I could it would be a big no no to
> somehow make PHP become root and then run this command.  Any other
> suggestions on how to create an account dynamically with PHP or how to
> modify what I about the useradd command to get this to work?  Thanks

I would recommend installing PHP as a CGI and making the script that calls
useradd owned by root and implementing some sort of authentication scheme to
prevent unauthorized use or I would write the useradd command to a database
(or text file) and have a bash script owned by root check it for entries
from a cron job and run the commands if entries are found.

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC

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