On Jan 16, 2006, at 6:10 PM, Nicholas Couloute wrote:
I tried the script but it keeps saying it is not an array!

Hmm, I just set-it-up on my server:


Seems to work for me. Code:

$file_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/php/test/';
$the_dir = opendir($file_path);
# Loop through directory and add files to array $html:
while ($file = readdir($the_dir)) {
        # Check if it's a file, and it has a valid extension:
        if(eregi("(\.pdf|\.html|\.htm|\.php|\.txt)$", $file)) {
                # Add file to array $html:
                $html[] = $file;
# Close the stream:
# Generate the drop-down menu:
if($html == null) { die("There are no files in this directory!"); } // If no content is found, alert user.
foreach($html as $html => $value) {
        echo '<br />'.$value;

Keep in mind, the above code is very minimal... you could probably spend a bit of time making more secure/robust... I pulled it out of a function I use.

You might want to read-up on sorting via PHP.net (in comments section) for more robust user-defined functions...


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