On Thu, January 19, 2006 12:56 am, Albert wrote:
> Jochem Maas wrote:
>> take note that APC does 2 things:
>> 1. op code caching
>> 2. manage some shared memory (a central place where you can stick
>> stuff
>> that needs to be read again and again and again; but doesn't need
>> updating
>> very often)
> "pear install apc" failed without reason. I ended up downloading the
> package
> and building it manually.
> I opened my login page (worked fine) and then logged in only to get a
> "Cannot find server". I had to restart Apache to get any other page
> out.
> On inspection of the Apache error log I saw:
> [Thu Jan 19 06:47:49 2006] [notice] child pid 16429 exit signal
> Segmentation
> fault (11)
> I have Zend Optimizer installed as well. When disabled Zend Optimizer
> my
> server works correctly. When Zend Optimizer is enabled then I get the
> segfaults.
> It seems that APC and Zend Optimizer does not work together so I
> cannot use
> APC as some of the modules we use from third party suppliers have been
> encoded with Zend Safeguard.

You *MIGHT* be able to segregate the Zend-encoded files from the image
files, on sub-domains or separate servers, and then you could
configure one to use Zend Optimizer, and the other to use APC...

Just an idea.  Not sure it's workable in your situation.

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