Geir Eivind Mork wrote:
> >  >
> >  > have you taken a deeper look into this?
> >  Well, I have tried...
> And what kind of problem did you encounter?

The problem is that PHP generates fatal errors too often, and I have not
been able to find a way of trapping them. It also means that I am not
able to generate an error-message of the requiered form, e.g. something

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    Internal server error

What I do not need, is something like

<br><b>Fatal error</b>:  XML parser error 7:
mismatched tag in <b>/var/www/[...]

And returning nothing would be even worse. 

The messages are meant to be machine-readable, meaning we must comply
with the standards.

> but that, as far as I've understand your case, isn't a problem.

Yes, it is. Because many functions generate fatal errors instead of
simply returning false or generating a warning. I have tried using the
set_error_handler(), but it only traps warnings and notices. It is
possible that I am doing something wrong, so if you can give me a short
working example, I should be really grateful! 

Svein Roar

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