Jevos, Peter wrote:
Hi all

I'd like to ask you one ( probably ) simple question. I'm using webmail
and I want to use other than default php grey button.
I found on the pages how to use image instead of the default button. So
I changed

INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="move_button" VALUE="Move"


INPUT TYPE="image'" NAME="move_button" VALUE="Move"
SRC="../images/button.jpg" width="19" height="50"

It works but I found the other important problem. This is image. What
happend when I change the language ? Nothing cause this is permanent
image and text "Move" is replaced by image

So what should I do to change design of the button without using image ?

So you're saying that these 'buttons' aren't images created by php? Then I'm guessing your question has nothing to do with php. Try a html/css mailing list, or there is that little helper web site out there...

John C. Nichel IV
Programmer/System Admin (ÜberGeek)
Dot Com Holdings of Buffalo

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