> Hi everybody !
> I would need a help in php or a portable javascript solution 
> (for several browsers).
> My problem is :  i have no solution about how to get a 
> network drive name.
> For exemple, getting COMMON in COMMON(X:).
> The only solution i saw was using activeX controls with 
> javascript but the problem is that this controls are only 
> compatible with IE. 
> I'm working with php under XP. 
> Sorry for my bad english, i hope i was clear however, any 
> suggests are welcome, thanks !

In the context of a webserver/browser scenario, PHP will only be able to
tell you about the webserver, as it is a server-side technology.  Nothing
about PHP 'runs' in the browser.  In other words, you can probably get all
the information you want about the SERVER's network drive names, and display
that on the user's browser, but you will not be able to use PHP to get ANY
info about the users's drive names and send it back to the server.

For that, IMO, you will need Activex or a Java applet.


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