
I know how to create a watermark by simply imposing one image on another via imagecopy() or imagecopymerge().

However, is there a way to place a watermark on a image such that the watermark is actually anti-aliased against the background of the base image?

For example, please review:


The centered watermark is clearly problematic because it was originally generated with anti-aliasing ON over a white background -- and thus white pixels are shown mixed throughout.

I could turn off the original anti-aliasing in generating the original watermark, but then I get a jagged watermark that looks just about as bad.

So, what I am asking is there a way to place text on an existing image such that the anti-aliasing adjust (i.e., smart) to the background of the image?

One of the possible solutions I was thinking was to create an image and then draw text on top of it, via something like this:

        Header ("Content-type: image/gif");
        $im = imagecreate (150, 150);
        $background = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 238, 238, 238);
        $text_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 00, 51, 102);
ImageTTFText ($im, 20, 45, 30, 130, $text_color, "arial.ttf","copyright 2006");
        ImageGif ($im);
        ImageDestroy ($im);

But, it's not an image that's imported and the background in only one color. So, is there a way to load an image and then draw smart anti-aliased text on top of it?

Many thanks to all who reply.



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