Richard Lynch napsal(a):
On Tue, February 14, 2006 2:13 am, PJ wrote:
Hello everybody,

I have problem with imap_open(). I've tried google - so I know, that
many people have problem with this function - but I think that my
problem is a little bit different or I haven't found any working
answer :o(

So I'm tring this forum... Please help me, if you can.

My script returns this:
Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream
{}INBOX in /var/www/html/imap.php on line
Can't connect to,110: Permission denied

On another server (hosting server of my provider - with changed IP of
POP3 server of course) this script works without problems. On my
- which is the same as the POP-server - it returns this error.

When I look to the log file of pop3 server, there isn't any record
connections from my server...

So I think there should be problem in my imap_open() function, my PHP
my Apache. But I don't know where :o/

I've got Apache 2.0 and PHP 5.0.4 (on Fedora Core 4).

Can you use a normal email client with POP3/IMAP to check email on the server?

And, when you do, are you forced to authenticate yourself in some way

Get it to work "by hand" before you try to make PHP do it.

Yes, POP3 server works OK. I've tried it before making anything with PHP via mail-client (Thunderbird), via telnet on port 110 and via the same script from another server. Everytime it works withnout problems.

When I tried it with e-mail client I was asked for username and password as normaly. After that everything runs ok.


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