On Thu, February 16, 2006 3:46 am, Olaf Greve wrote:
>> I have been developing a php website.  I have been ftping my php web
>> pages to a webserver and that works hkowever I don't have an error
>> log
>> on the webserver.  So I downloaded apache 2.0.55.   I am doing a
>> manual installation and I am at the point where it tells me where to
>> place the php.ini file.  The instructions tell me to put the file in
>> a
>> number of places. The directions told me that if I were using apache
>> to use the PHPIniDir directive.  My question is where do I put the
>> php.ini file? Where do I put this Directive? In the Httpd.conf?
> Under Windows it didn't use to be necessary to make Apache explicitly
> point to the ini file (at least: for all Apache 1.3.x versions).

PHPIniDir only works in Apache 2, I think...

> Rather,
> the trick used to be to simply place the php.ini file somewhere in the
> path that has been set for all Windows applications.

Or the path which was compiled into the php DLL when it was compiled.

This was usually:
or some variant on that.

> Normally, the 'windows' or 'winnt\system32' directories do the trick.

I suspect this only "works" if there was no specific directory chosen
when php DLL was compiled, but it MIGHT be the case that Apache/PHP
would automatically look here via the Windows OS system rules...

Rather than guess, however, a quick look at:


output on your own server will tell you EXACTLY where PHP expects the
php.ini file to be.

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