>> On Sat, Mar 04, 2006 at 07:01:55PM -0700, Paul Goepfert wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > ls there anyway I can set the date to the timezone of the clients
>> > timezone?  For example, if a person opens the web page at 3/6 12:01
>> > EST and another person opens the same page at 3/5 10:01 MST I would
>> > like the date to be the above days on the client computers.  I know
>> > everyone knows this but the way I described this the two people
>> > accessed the webpage at the same time but I want the
>> correct date for
>> > the client computer to be outputted.
>> There are some tools that you can detect where the person is
>> located and and you would be able to use the timezone from
>> that information. One site I found from a quick google search:
>>  http://www.ip2location.com/
>> The cheapest and simpliest method would be to use some
>> javascript to detect the timezone. Or let the user specify
>> which one he wants to use.
> Hi,
> Javascripts' Date object has a getTimezoneOffset() method, which returns
> the difference between local time and universal time in
> minutes.
> Jared
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Hi there!

Yes, Javascript may have a such function, BUT think of the reliability...
It's not sure, that user has the Javascript-functionality turned on, what
happens then?

Best regards
Gustav Wiberg

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