So... I'm trying to extend PEAR::DB. It'd be great to keep everything it offers 
and just add a few more perhaps unconventional functions. 

Intuitively, it seemed like this approach might work:



        # Toy Extension of DB Class
    class DBToyExt extends DB
        var $foo = 1;
        var $bar = 2;

        function testext($x)
            echo "\nHEY: $x";

    $dte = DBToyExt::connect("mysql://weston_tssa:[EMAIL 



However, it doesn't seem to understand that the method "testext" exists, and 
gives me a fatal error to that effect, as you can see:

I'm guessing this is a side effect of the static constructor -- apparently 
using the "extends" keyword is enough to help the engine know that the class 
DBToyExt is supposed to inherit the static function "connct", but it's not 
enough to bless the return value of connect from the class DB to DBToyExt....

How do I get around this and extend DB?



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