
on 03/20/2006 06:52 PM René Fournier said the following:
> I have a script that periodically sends an email that includes  form
> post to a script, which is meant to do something with the posted data.
> My problem is that apparently some PHP security measure is not
> permitting the externally posted data to be access via $_POST. I assume
> this is due to cross-site scripting issues, but in this case, I want to
> do just that. Any ideas?

I have no knowledge of such PHP restriction. I suspect the problem is
something else.

Make sure you have included tags like <form method="POST"
</form> .

Some people insist on making everything XHTML compliant just they assume
that otherwise it would not be "Web standards" compliant. That is a
silly claim that only leads to all sorts of problems.

For instance, if you use method="post" because XHTML specification says
everything should be in lower case, you will have problems with some
browsers and e-mail programs that only accept POST in upper case and
fallback to GET when they find something else.

Also, keep in mind that you can't use Javascript in HTML e-mail messages.

These may not be your actual problems, but at least you have something
to start checking.


Manuel Lemos

Metastorage - Data object relational mapping layer generator

PHP Classes - Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP

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