John Donagher wrote:
> If anyone has worked around the deficiencies, great; I just haven't received a
> v3 SDK yet (and my company's account has not yet been converted) so I can't
> speak intelligently about what may be missing from the extension.
> As far as I know, the interface remains untouched, which means the work that
> will need to be done will likely be minimal.

        Looks like the PN*() funcs all became pfpro*().  They also split the
connection and process call into a context creator and a processing
call.  This can be just thrown in the middle of the existing
pfpro_process[_raw]() funcs, which is how I managed to get it to
compile, but never managed to get it to a testable phase as their 3.x
SDK is threaded, and they sent me the 2.x SDK before I got around to
working around that issue.  Cleaner implementation would be to expose
the additional step to PHP with default context selection, ala the MySQL
default db handles, but that's beyond my tinkering skills with PHP
extensions at the moment.  I'll be happy to send what I have to whomever
is most likely to end up doing the 3.x extension.  Just let me know.

-- -
Kelly Cochran  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Technical Staff - Corporation

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