tedd wrote:
Hard drives. You wusses. Between punch cards, data cassettes, 5-1/4 and 8" floppies, it was years before I saw a hard drive.

John C. Nichel IV

I didn't say that HD's were my first storage medium. I remember typing in 200+ line Star Trek program three times trying to get my GE tape recorder to work when Apple ][ came out with their first computer -- which had a wopping 16k of Integer on the motherboard, but no floppies.

Before that, I used magnetic strips, before that a roll of paper punch tape, before that punch cards, and before that we recorded binary on rocks by turning them over in the sun. On cloudy days, our systems would crash.


I forgot the " ;) "

John C. Nichel IV
Programmer/System Admin (ÜberGeek)
Dot Com Holdings of Buffalo

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