This seems like it should work, but the option statement is just filling in one line of data....hmmmmm... the names have multiple territories (ID's), so I want to have one name associated with one territory ID ( other stuff happens elseware...).

//building list of names and their territory matching ID's
                          while($getidsd = mysql_fetch_array($getidsr)){
if ($getidsd['employeeid'] != '990'&& $getidsd['employeeid'] != '991') { $salespersonsstor= Array("name"=>$getidsd['fname'].' '.$getidsd['lname'],"idIS"=>$getidsd['employeeid']);

foreach ($salespersonsstor as $key => $TheSalesManID) {
                                 switch ($key) {
                                case "name":
                                 $salesmann = $TheSalesManID;
                                case "idIS":
                                 $ID1 = $TheSalesManID;

If (($salesmann != '' && $ID1 != '') && ($salesmanactive != $salesmann)) { echo '<option value="'.$ID1.'">'.$salesmann.'</option>';
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