On Wed, April 19, 2006 4:55 pm, Yannick Warnier wrote:
> for. From the type of errors (very unclear and undetailed) that I get,
> my first guess would be that one function declaration in php_mnogo.c
> or
> php_mnogo.h would not be recognized anymore (because it used a funny
> declaration?).

Call me crazy, but I think you should post the actual error messages
-- the first few, at least.

C compiler error messages are frequently arcane, incredibly terse, and
complete gibberish to anybody other than a C programmer...

But they are rarely unclear and undetailed, once you have figured out
what the error message means the first time you encounter it.

'Course, I probably won't be the guy who understand the message
either, as my C skills have 20 years of rust and only a couple days of
scraping that off.

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