On Thu, April 20, 2006 11:24 pm, Steve wrote:
>  > Yes, there is a TON of source code, and Yes, most of it is very
> very
>  > very badly-written, and Yes, that's because they started typing
> just
>  > like you are now instead of actually figuring all this [bleep] out
> in
>  > advance. :-)
> Thank you for taking the time to respond and assist me.
> Do you have any specific shopping carts that you would recommend I
> take
> a look at? Any that ARE well written.

Donning my flame-retardant underwear...


They all suck.

There is no decent security-concious well-designed Open Source / Free
PHP Shopping Cart available to date.

So examine all the big-name ones and see where they went wrong.

Let the flames begin.

Or not, as I'm betting not one of you can say something I haven't
heard yet...

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