On Mon, April 24, 2006 2:18 pm, Simas Toleikis wrote:
>> php6 will include static late binding
> Great. Love the other new features, especially namespaces.
>> - until then you have 2 choices,
>> create a hack (see below) or stick redundant code into each class
>> you
>> want to be a singleton.
> The hack doesn't work (See below). Guess we are left with copy-paste
> thing :-/ Though i wonder if there are any other hacks using some sort
> of classkit/other class manipulation functions?
>>     public static function GetInstance()
>>     {
>>         if (!isset(self::$instance)) {
>>                 if (!isset(self::$class)) {
> Isn't that self::$class the same "late static binding" thing? :-) As i
> get it, at this point from Singleton::GetInstance() you can't get the
> static $class member of Test class.

I'll be damned if I understand what the big deal is, but there are
other hacks one could employ...

Something along the lines of:

function singleton($class_name){
  static $singletons = array();

  if (isset($singletons[$class_name])){
    return $singletons[$class_name];
    $singletons[$class_name] = new $class_name;
    return $singletons[$class_name];

You'd maybe want to have constructor args and use func_get_args to
pass along the args to a different post-constructor constructor of you
own design.

Yes, this is a hack.

I think it's inferior to the other hack posted.

But it's something one should at least consider and reject.

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