On 4/28/06, Mariano Guadagnini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Mariano Guadagnini wrote:

> Hi people,
> I have the following issue: I´m using PHP 5 on IIS 5 and Windows XP
> Pro, and when trying to pass values through the path to my scripts,
> iis rejects them.  After some googling, I found an advice to set

So... without some code examples or something a bit more substantial
than "iis rejects them" it's difficult to help out.  I have no
experience with the cgi.fix_pathinfo, but I'm _guessing_ that you're
trying to do something like this:


And get var1 and var2 out of the path?

If so, you've likely tried getting at them with:


or even


?  And if so, what exactly does iis do?  Run phpinfo() and see what
environment variables your server is setting (VERY_HELPFUL).  For
example, on the 3rd party hosting server I use, PATH_INFO is empty,
but an ORIG_PATH_INFO contains the value I need.

As I said at the start, please give us some more information, and
perhaps we can be a bit more helpful...and I can stop asking you more
questions than you asked us.


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