> have you checked your PHP.INI file?
> it sais there what links to rewrite.

This is what is in my .ini.  

url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry" ;
added 3/2/01

Am I missing something here that I should have?  
I don't see anything in the docs about the above 
Also, note, as I said in a problem I posed in another 
thread, there are some links where the SID is added 
while there are some that it isn't added.  This happens 
in different pages, though.  So while there will be pages 
where *all* the links will have the SID added, there
will be pages where *none* of them have the SID included.  
(though, it is never the case where there is a page
where some have the SID included while some do
And this could be one page right after the other.

This is very odd and *very* frustrating.


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