Richard Lynch wrote:

On Tue, May 2, 2006 11:29 am, Oz wrote:
My script dies with the following line (after a few hours running
without other errors/warnings/notices):
Fatal error: pcntl_fork(): Error 11 in /home/foo/bar.php on line 297

Is there any documentation for "pcntl_fork(): Error 11"?
Does anybody know what causes "pcntl_fork(): Error 11"?

(It's PHP5 and the scripts source is top secret.)

I believe that if you installed my perror extension:
you would be able to easily print out the error message corresponding
to 11.

I can't it's cursed.

I suppose you could be old-school and just use a shell with:
perror 11
but that is not nearly as much fun.

That puts something out, but where is the realtion?
Doesn't help.

"My amp goes to 11."

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