
I have been working to develop the Back-end CMS on Sourceforge:

I'm running into a bit of a difficulty though folks trying to run the 
code in a windows environment.

To get around the problem with search engines tripping over the ?'s the 
latest code is now using virtual directories to pass the category and 
article ID.  It looks better and provides a shorter URL as well!

Unfortunately, it is harder for folks to understand.  Especially when 
they are trying to install this at home on a local windows machine 
rather than on a linux server....

I suspect that either Apache or PHP hasn't been configured correctly as 
this works on the windows servers:
but this does not:

The latter has no problems like this on a number of other servers.

I set up this test script to output the various variables that would be 
called on in this script:

In the servers that are providing the errors, neither the Category 
variables or the Article ID's show up.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Mike Gifford, OpenConcept Consulting, http://openconcept.ca
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