"Richard Lynch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thu, May 4, 2006 8:50 am, Nic wrote:
>> I'm having trouble with setting HTTP error status from PHP4.
>> The PHP docs say that if I have this :
>>   <Directory /mydir>
> Try it with full pathname to /mydir, or perhaps without the leading
> '/' or some combination of more/fewer directories and/or slashes.

No. /mydir is the directory I want the error page served for.

It does actually work outside the PHP environment, eg:

  <Directory /mydir>
    ErrorDocument 404 "hello!!!"

and requesting /mydir/not_there returns a 404 with "hello!!!" in the

But /mydir/some.php doing: 

   header("HTTP/1.1 404 Rubbish!!!") 

_never_ causes the error document to be picked up.

It's strange because the docs say this can be done; I can't find an
example that is purported to work outside of the docs though.


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