-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Cummings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 1:54 PM
To: Nicolas Verhaeghe
Cc: 'Jay Blanchard'; 'PHP-General'
Subject: RE: [PHP] What editor do you use?

On Thu, 2006-05-04 at 16:39, Nicolas Verhaeghe wrote:
> > [snip]
> > I am currently looking for a good PHP editor for Windows. I know, 
> > the
> > question must have been asked so many times, but I thought I could ask 
> > it again now that a few editors have evolved, others have appeared.
> > [/snip]
> > 
> > Eclipse. You could also STFA
> Joe! It's better than ever now. It even has syntax highlighting.
> FWIW, anything that autocompletes is for wimps.
> -------------------
> Well, I like the autocomplete feature, allows me to work faster.
> How about that? More time to go do what you like to do better.

Direct memory access beats secondary helper memory every time. Autocomplete
is an incentive to have a lazy mind. When your brain has a larger overall
picture of available resources, it can formulate better strategies than when
it only has part of the picture. Additionally, when you are typing out a
flow of code, anything that interrupts that flow slows you down... ala


Let's agree to disagree. When you have the experience, autocomplete does
save you a lot of time.

I realized I was working a lot faster with autocomplete on. Meaning more
time to concentrate on improving the apps or looking for new clients.

Easy as that.

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