On 5/8/06, John Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is there anyway to make PHP normally suppress errors, but a piece of
code that would show errors on a particular page?

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Turn display errors off in your php.ini on production servers, then
you can use...

ini_set('display_errors', true);

...if you must.

A better way is to use the set_error_handler() function to setup your
own custom error handler that will handle errors gracefully.  Within
that you can also go a step further and add logging features to let
you know errors.  I built an error handler function that emails me on
any errors that my script generates so that once I leave a job I will
know about problems.

I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but letting end users see raw
php erros is a bad idea because it gives out server path information
and other sensitive details that people could potentially exploit.

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