While tabindex is a neat thing to use it does not necessarily give focus
to the first element of the form, it merely dictates the order in which
form elements will be given focus when the tab key is pressed. The 
action may vary from browser to browser. Likely, when going to a form
with tabindex defined, none of the elements will have focus until the
tab key is pressed once, at which time the element with tabindex="1" 
will get focus.

If you want to give focus to the first input element of a form you must
still use a JavaScript widget to place the focus there after the entire
page has loaded, tabindex will make sure that the cursor goes in the 
order you wish to go in after that.[/snip]

Try to use Firefox to debug your javascript.
I guess, there are some javascript error.

I confirmed before I sent the above e-mail that tabindex did not work in
Firefox or Opera either.

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