suresh kumar wrote:

I am facing one problem in my project.I am trying to call a javascript function 
from php.but it not executing.this is my code.
function clientTime() { var cNow = new Date();
       var cHour = cNow.getHours();
      var cMin  = cNow.getMinutes();
      var hour= cHour + ":" + cMin;
      return hour;
      } //End function clientTime
     function clientDate() {
            var cDate  = new Date();
     var clientYear = cDate.getFullYear();
     var clientMonth = cDate.getMonth();
     var clientDay   = cDate.getDate();
     var year= clientYear + "-" + clientMonth + "-" + clientDay;
     return year;
} //End function clientDate
<? print "<span style=padding-left:14.2cm><font size=2 face=Arial color=#555555><script type=\"text/javascript\">";
       print "clientTime()";
       print "clientDate()</script></font></span>"; ?>
i need help from u.

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Hi Suresh

Unfortunately you cannot call a javascript function from directly within php. What you are doing is generating a web page that has invalid javascript. Try looking at your output with "view source" for clues.


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