You can get the lifetime of a session cookie by calling the
get_cookie_params function

How do you propose to hit a hidden frame just before the session times out?

A better solution would be to increase the session cookie timeout value so
that long enough for your purposes.

I think you can do this by creating a new cookie variable with the lifetime
that you require.  Then set the cookie value with the current session_id.
And finally start your sessions with the following code.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Jens Kisters [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 29 April 2001 13:06
Subject: [PHP] getting sessions lifetime

Hi there!

Is there a way to determine the session timeout of the currents servers
PHP configuration, e.g. by reading values from the php.ini?

i want to manage the timeout of the session myself, no matter what the
server is set to, i want to try to hit a session page in a hidden frame
just before the session would time out so that there won't be a session

Grüße aus dem schönen Kleve
Jens Kisters

rosomm et partner
Agentur für neue Medien GmbH
Dienstleistungszentrum am
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47551 Kleve / Bedburg-Hau

Telefon: 02821 - 97856-20
Telefax: 02821 - 97856-77

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