kartikay malhotra wrote:
Hi All,

I've a typical problem. I'm using Mbuni MMS gateway. This gateaway provides
a method of forwarding an incoming MMS file to a HTTP Server, where it could
be uploaded.

I run a PHP script on the server, to dump the MMS into a database.

Now I do not have a typical HTML form to upload the MMS. Only 2 fields in
the configuration file :

post-url = http://localhost/one.php/
http-post-parameters = userfile=%z

where %z signifies all parts of the MM.

I'm used to seeing PHP code for uploading files which resembles:

if($_FILES['userfile']['size'] > 0 )
 $fileName = $_FILES['userfile']['name'];


Unfortunately, the condition $_FILES['userfile']['size'] is never satisfied.
Can anyone help me determine that my file is properly reaching the HTTP
server in the first place?

If the problem statement isn't clear, all fault is mine :)

its not clear to me - but I'll take a guess and say that the relevant
content encoding headers were not set therefore php doesn't not recognise
the incoming post as a file upload.

// generating the relevant header via php
header('Content-Type: multipart/form-data')

// or specifying the enctype in a form tag declaraction:
<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

it maybe that the header is not named 'Content-Type' - I was just guessing.


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