Hey Robert,

> > I have to write a kind of logging script which
> will keep records of how long a person used the site
> and its functions, so far this is what I have come
> > with:

> Presuming you know when they logged out or can
> calculate it:
>     user_id
>     login_time timestamp
>     logout_time timestamp

> Your username values are probably nice and unique
> but a great big waste
> of space as a criteria by which to relate data. You
> should associate a
> unique integer value for each username.

Theres an idea I didnt think about, thanks!

> Regardless of how you determine the end of the
> logged in time, you
> shouldn't track all the different sums in every
> entry since that's
> redundant. You don't even need the extra data since
> the database will
> happily allow you to perform the SUMs via queries.

I have done very little SUM queries with time, can you
give me a quick example or any site where i can find a
few sample queries?


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