Many parts of this script were found at the following site:

This script isn't totally mine. I've just adapted it to my needs and it is
working quite well, telling me when a service is up or down ... read the
article for further details.

Anyway, my question was about concurrent script running. My script is
working the way I needed it to and all I need now is a way to fasten it. I
still think it's a little bit slow by many aspects, maybe because I'm not a
programmer and I've written a code that is not so good or fast, or there is
no way to have all my servers services checked in parallel.

Thanks in advance.

Felipe Martins

On 5/30/06, Jochem Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Phil Martin wrote:
> Sure, sorry about that. I have a function that tells me if the host is
> or UP. I want to run this function in parallel for each host I monitor.
> function is the following:
> function servstatus($remote_ip, $remote_ip_port, $remote_ip_proto) {
> if ($remote_ip_proto == "tcp") {
>        $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
>        // Turning Off Warning Messages
>        $i_error_old=error_reporting();
>        error_reporting($i_error_old & ~ (E_WARNING));
>        if ($connect = socket_connect($socket, "$remote_ip", "" .
> $remote_ip_port . "")) {
>                return true;

the following 3 statements will never be run.

>                socket_set_block($socket);
>                socket_close($socket);
>                unset($connect);
>        } else {
>                return false;

the following 3 statements will never be run.

>                socket_set_nonblock($socket);
>                socket_close($socket);
>                unset($connect);}

my guess is you know even less about sockets, especially
than I do!

> } else {

why are you making the distinction between udp and tcp in this way?

>        // Turning off Warning Messages
>        $i_error_old=error_reporting();
>        error_reporting($i_error_old & ~ (E_WARNING));
>        $socket = fsockopen("udp://$remote_ip", "$remote_ip_port",
> &$errstr, 2);
>        $timeout = 1;
>        if (!$socket) {

if you don't get the socket why does that mean the service is up?

>                return true;
>        }
>        socket_set_timeout ($socket, $timeout);
>        $write = fwrite($socket,"\x00");
>        if (!$write) {

again if you can't write why does that mean the service is up?

>                return true;
>        }
>        $startTime = time();
>        $header = fread($socket, 1);
>        $endTime = time();
>        $timeDiff = $endTime - $startTime;
>        if ($timeDiff >= $timeout) {

why does a time measurement mean the service is up?

>                fclose($socket);
>                return true;
>        } else {
>                fclose($socket);
>                return false;
>        }
>        }
> }
> Thanks in advance
> Felipe Martins
> On 5/30/06, Dave Goodchild <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 30/05/06, Phil Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi everyone,
>> >
>> >       I've made a very basic and small function to suit my needs in
>> > monitoring some hosts services. I've noticed that the script is a
>> little
>> > bit
>> > slow because of the number of hosts and services to monitor. Is there
>> > way
>> > to execute my function servstatus();  in parallel with every hosts to
>> > increase the speed ?
>> >       Thanks in advance.
>> >
>> > []'s
>> > Felipe Martins
>> >
>> >
>> Can you show us the function?
>> --
>> dynamic web programming from Reigate, Surrey UK (php, mysql, xhtml,
>> look out for project karma, our new venture, coming soon!

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