There is a functions called session_cache_limiter().
Use this function before you output anything (or use ob_start(), if you would

Yasuo Ohgaki

"Matthieu Brunet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Well, I suppose it's a well known problem, but I haven't found a solution
> yet...
> As you know, when you don't use sessions, you can use the "back" button of
> your browser, or the javascript commande "history.back()". In the same time,
> you don't have to put some "nocache" header to have your dynamic pages
> refreshed when it change.
> Well. This very good. The "back" button use cache, but when you reload a
> page, it never take it from the cache (except the images).
> But when you use session, it's got wrong (as you can see, my English is a
> little bit approximate)
> With the session_cache_limiter at "nocache" in the php.ini, in most case,
> the "back" button don't work anymore.
> And if I set the session_cache_limiter to "private", the "back" button work
> fine, but on the other hand, when you reload a page, it take it from the
> cache, until you make a "hard reload". Not cool. :+/
> So, somebody can explain me why the fact of using sessions change the
> functioning of the cache ?
> And is there a solution ?
> Thanks a lot. :+)
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