Hi Alex,

Alex wrote:
Hi all. I'm trying to use XPath avg(), min() and max() functions
without success. Others functions like count() or sum() works correctly.

Here is the code I'm using (PHP 5.1):


$xml_str = '
    <card name="My card">
      <type name="visits">25</type>
      <type name="clicks">7</type>
    <card name="My other card">
      <type name="visits">50</type>
      <type name="clicks">3</type>

$xml_doc = new DOMDocument();

$xpath = new DOMXPath($xml_doc);

$cards_avg = $xpath->evaluate("avg(//card/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'visits'])");

$cards_sum = $xpath->evaluate("sum(//card/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'visits'])");


min(), max() and avg() don't exist in XPath 1.0 which is the version implemented in libxml2. You need to calculate these yourself. For example:

/* Find the average */
$cards_avg = $xpath->evaluate("sum(//card/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'visits']) div count(//card/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'visits'])");

$cards_sum = $xpath->evaluate("sum(//card/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'visits'])");

/* Find lowest visits */
$cards_min_nodes = $xpath->query("//card/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'visits']/text()");
$min = NULL;
foreach ($cards_min_nodes AS $node) {
        $val = (int)$node->nodeValue;
        if (is_null($min) || $min > $val) {
                $min = $val;
print 'Minimum Visits: '.$min."\n";

/* Find maximum visits */
$cards_max_nodes = $xpath->query("//card/[EMAIL PROTECTED]'visits']/text()");
$max = NULL;
foreach ($cards_max_nodes AS $node) {
        $val = (int)$node->nodeValue;
        if (is_null($min) || $max < $val) {
                $max = $val;
print 'Maximum Visits: '.$max."\n";


author of Pro PHP XML and Web Services from Apress

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