Stut schrieb:
Barry wrote:
Well i do know that you can write IF as ( ? : ) but what i am asking about is something like this:

if (a = 1 OR a = 2)

I think you mean == not =.
Yeah. sorry ;)

is it anyway possible to write it like:
if (a = 1 OR 2)

I know this is wrong because "2" will always be true ...

Any infos on that would be nice :)

The only way I know of to do this sort of thing would be...

   if (in_array($a, array(1, 2)))
Hmm yes this is actually a shorter way.

But it has limits hasn't it?
if (in_array(a, array(date("d",time),CONSTANT_NAME,function_call())))

Like that

But it begs the question why you would want to do this?

Oh, uhm well something like this probably:
If the age of my grandma is as old as the age of the table, lower than the age the house was build, equal to the summary of ages from the grandchilds, bigger than 50 but not higher than 70 AND only when she is as old as me i do have to bake a cookie

Something like that.

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