At 5:48 PM +0800 6/15/06, weetat wrote:
>Hi all ,
>  I was using PEAR:HTTP_Upload to upload file in php 4.3.2.
>  Is ok , however i need to display some sort of progress monitor to the user 
> because some file is very large and took some times to upload.
>I need to inform the users to uploading is in progress.
>I have search google ,and found megaupload , however the problem of megaupload 
>is the filename is rubbish, i need the filename of uploaded file because the 
>file is xml , need to convert data from xml to database.
>Anybody have any ideas ? Or have any another php upload progress monitor ?
>- weetat


Been there, tried that. Need js to do it and I haven't seen anything simple.

Instead, I put a wait spin-gif and hope that the file doesn't take too long.

Such as:

Feel free to steal my gif -- I stole it fair and square myself.


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