On Thu, June 15, 2006 4:30 am, Ross wrote:
> I have a multiple choice quiz where the questions & answers are
> extracted
> from an external file
> $q1 = "what is the capital of Scotland "; $a1 = "Edinburgh"; $b1
> ="Glasgow";
> $c1 ="dundee"; $d1 ="Stirling"; $q1_answer = $a1;
> $q2 = "what is the capital of France"; $a2 = "Lyon"; $b2 ="Paris"; $c2
> ="Carcassonne"; $d2 ="Madrid"; $q2_answer = $b1;
> ?>
> These are fed into a page which displays the questions and displays a
> radio
> button to select the answer, the page is incremnted when a correct
> answer is
> given
> if  ($_POST['x']== $q1_answer) {
> $incrementedPage = $page + 1;
> header("Location: evaluation.php?page=$incrementedPage");
> }
> but how can I insert and compare the next question?

$q = ${'q'.$_GET['page']};
echo $q;

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