At 5:48 PM -0400 6/19/06, Jon Anderson wrote:
>John Nichel wrote:
>>Pfffftttt  I never close my option tags that way....
>><option value="foo" />Bar
>I didn't think this would compute as proper XHTML...Sure enough 
> says:
>Error /Line 10 column 10/: character data is not allowed here.
>|<option />*t*est|
>You have used character data somewhere it is not permitted to appear. Mistakes 
>that can cause this error include putting text directly in the body of the 
>document without wrapping it in a container element (such as a 
><p>aragraph</p>) or forgetting to quote an attribute value (where characters 
>such as "%" and "/" are common, but cannot appear without surrounding quotes).

It depends upon what DOCTYPE you use.

For example, if you use:


There's nothing wrong with closing, or not closing, an option tag in just about 
any fashion you want. In fact all four below will validate:

<option value="123" > item

<option value="123" /> item

<option value="123"> item </option>

<option value="123"/> item </option>

As far as using "value=", I believe the DOCTYPE determines what tags are 
allowed what attributes.

As for XHTML, I find that an unusual bird for validation and getting things to 
work well.



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