On Mon, Jun 26, 2006 at 01:53:31PM +1000, David Tulloh wrote:
> > A while back I wrote a little read-eval-print loop that essentially 
> > constituted a very basic php shell:
> > 
> > http://weston.canncentral.org/misc/phpsh.txt
> > 
> > However, I just recently tried to use this with PHP 5.1.2, and found that 
> > it doesn't work. 
> Works for me, PHP 5.1.4.  Perhaps you have some kind of output 
> buffering enabled.  Using the -n command line switch will disable 
> your php.ini which should stop anything like that.

Thank you! It is apparently exactly as you say. :) Adding a -n makes it run 
just fine.

> The syntax error you are getting is caused by not entering 
> any input.
> Your line 23 becomes:
> $returnval = eval("return();");
> Return expects some value to be provided, hence the syntax error.

Makes sense. Thanks again!


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