On Wed, June 28, 2006 8:10 am, John Gunther wrote:
> This may be more appropriate for an Apache or browser forum. Perhaps
> you
> can suggest an appropriate one.
> I have a PHP script that takes a long time to complete (due to very
> heavy database activity) although it echoes unbuffered output every
> few
> seconds. I've set max_execution_time to 0 with set_time_limit(0) so
> doesn't time out the page but after about 3 minutes, Firefox says,
> "The
> connection to the server was reset while the page was loading." and
> IE7
> says, "Internet Explorer cannot display the web page". I want to try
> apache_reset_timeout() but it's not implemented in 4.3.10.
> Is there anything I can do from PHP or elsewhere to solve this?

You could send more data more often...

See, no matter what, if the browser is sitting there waiting "too
long" for data from your server, and data ain't coming, the browser is
going to just give up after some amount of time.

But, really, why in the world would you expect any User to sit around
waiting for 3 minutes for a page to load?

Don't do that.

Whatever is taking that long, but it into a batch job of some kind for
later, and take their name/number/email and notify them when it's

It's just Bad Human Interfact (tm) to make a human sit there waiting
for a page to load that long. [shrug]

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