On Wed, June 28, 2006 5:17 am, kristianto adi widiatmoko wrote:
> i need to redirecting page, it could be done by using header function
> like this
> header("Location : page2.php?var1=foo");

For starters, it "Location :" should be "Location:" (no space)

Then, the URL should be a full, complete URL, and not just a local

Finally, using a re-direct instead of just include'ing 'page2.php' is
usually daft because it just wastes HTTP connections and makes your
application a lot slower and harder to debug/understand.

> but i need to hide variable from being displayed by browser since the
> content of variable is secret.
> I guess i need POST method instead of GET for redirecting that page.

You could just use session_start() at the top of both pages, and slam
the data into $_SESSION, and then your Location: redirect would "work"

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