I'm new at programing and not getting very far with this.  I've looked
at "array_revers" and "array_multisort" and can't get anything to work.
What I have is a mysql table laid out like:

item number |  title | body text | subject heading

What I want to do is pull the top 7 entries off and display them on a
web page.  I have written some code that will do this but when it prints
to the web page the first item is printed at the top and I would like it
on the bottom with later entries successively on top.  How can I do
this?  Hear is the code I have so far:

$result = mysql_query ("SELECT title, body FROM junkyard LIMIT 0, 7");
$i = '0';

while ($i < 7) {
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) {
    echo "$row[0] <br />$row[1]";


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