Peter Lauri wrote:

> Best group member,
> When a user does a specific action on I want a cookie to be
> set so that and can reach it. Ok, after reading
> the manual for setcookie() I tried this:
> setcookie("thevariable", "thevalue", time()+60*60*24*30, "/",
> "");
> setcookie("thevariable", "thevalue", time()+60*60*24*30, "/",
> "");
> However, I can not detect the cookie at
> A solution would be to just make a redirect to the other domain where the
> cookie is set and then return.
> Question is: Can I not set a cookie at to work at

This is a common problem, and the easiest solution, if you have control over
both domains, is to put a "bug" (a small image) on domain1 and domain2,
something like:


Which returns a jpeg of an image. The trick is that you send it a parameter
such as:

Then this code sets its cookie in domain2, so when you go there it is there.

You should try to use encryption, temp variables, or something to keep this
from being easy to hack.

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