Daevid Vincent wrote:
> *sigh*
> Why is PHP so lame...

you know the story about the bad workman and his tools?
please go and read the manual entry regarding how to reference
class constants.

> <?php 
> {
> const STOP = 0;
> const START = 1;
> const PAUSE = 2;
> public static $STATES = array(
>                               STOP => 'Stopped',
>                               START => 'Started',
>                               PAUSE => 'Paused'
>                        );
> public static $STATESHACK = array(
>                               0 => 'Stopped',
>                               1 => 'Started',
>                               2 => 'Paused'
>                        );
> }
> print_r(PHPISLAME::$STATES);
> ?>
> What is this crap!!?:

what that crap is would be self evident if you bothered to
turn on E_NOTICEs in your error_reporting. (hint: what does
php do with undefined constants?)

> Array ( [STOP] => Stopped [START] => Started [PAUSE] => Paused ) 
> Array ( [0] => Stopped [1] => Started [2] => Paused )

oh would you look at this ....

$> php -v
PHP 5.1.4-pl0-gentoo (cli) (built: Jul  5 2006 18:26:03)
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.1.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Zend Technologies
?> php -r 'class Test {const MYTEST = 3;public static $S = array( Test::MYTEST 
=> "TEST" );}var_dump(Test::$S);'

array(1) {
  string(4) "TEST"

... now take a deep breath and relax :-)

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