good idea!

thanks richard!


> On Wed, August 9, 2006 9:07 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Have a web site on server where magic quote is turned On. Because of
>> problems with quotes within forms, I was thinking to turn it Off. I
>> wonder
>> how much work I'll have to change code to accept new setting? Are we
>> talking about major changes or something that could be done in day or
>> two
>> (the site has few couple-pages long forms and about 10 "regular"
>> contact
>> us/register/edit membership/edit account/... forms)?
>> I have access to php.ini. Could I just turn magic quotes Off to see
>> what's
>> going on and what forms will not work and how to fix it?
>> On that
>> ini_set() is not an option, but there is an solution to disable magic
>> quotes at runtime. Means, I can use this to change code (prepare for
>> turning off) on pages with forms? Correct?
> If you can use .htaccess, here is what I would do:
> Step 1:
> Copy all the forms and stuff to a new directory, like, say, 'new'
> Step 2:
> Use .htaccess in the 'new' directory to turn off Magic Quotes
> php_value magic_quotes_gpc 0
> Now, test and debug all your forms in 'new' and make sure they all
> behave correctly with the setting turned off.
> You may even want to set up 'new' so that it connects to a different
> database, so you can test heavily without any risk to the 'real' data.
>  Just be sure to not mess up when you move the files back to the real
> site that you don't keep using the fake database.
> This provides you with a low-risk easy way to take as much time as you
> need to get the job done, while your current site stays up and
> running, at least as well as it was running before.
> --
> Like Music?

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