Richard Lynch wrote:
I rolled my own, because I thought it would be a useful learning

Sounds like what I am thinking.  :)

And, I kinda sorta documented it.
Well, I put the source up on-line anyway. :-)
So here's one crude hack way to do it, if you just want the basics of
how it's done:

Kick-butt! Thanks for sharing.  :D

After you pass the CAPTCHA, it links to source.

The file is not available, as it has database password in
it, but other than pg_connect() there is nothing interesting in there
Note that if you are already using SESSIONs, then you could just toss
the $token in $_SESSION -- I, however, was not, and did not want to
start issuing cookies just for the CAPTCHA to work.

Hehe, sounds like what I am thinking... I really do not even want to touch her site much as I am working on a re-design now and probably going to use a CMS to manage content. But, I will still be using the contact form, so all you your (and others) help is greatly appreciated.

The web2 dictionary is Webster's older dictionary, now in the public
domain, and is installed on my server by the webhost -- so presumably
is readily available.

Nice, was not aware of that dictionary, googling now. :)

I also intentionally added zero "noise" to my CAPTCHA -- though you
obviously can make the PNG as complicated as you like.
I figure if the spammers want to OCR the CAPTCHA, I'm just gonna take
the damn guestbook down.

Lol, ya... that is kinda where I am coming from. If my client does not solve her probs after I fix-up the contact form script, then I will suggest she just asks folks to use an email program and manually contact her.

Did I mention "spammer suck" already? Well, at least they are good motivators.

Thanks Richard, you rock!


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